Lots to look forward to
Dear anglers, April is upon us and summer is almost here!

Perhaps anglers from abroad should guarantee their plane tickets because when airlines resume their services flights could be difficult to come by in time. Overall, 2016 was a pretty good year for fishing and the same can be said for 2017. Both years were also a bit unusual since the salmon ran very early and the salmon runs were almost over by late July. Therefore the latter part of the angling season was difficult in spite of the considerable amount of salmon in the river, or like we sometimes say: The river had become tired, which meant that the salmon were eluctant to strike.
2018 was not a very good year in fishing terms but everything worked out in the end. Like the previous year the salmon arrived very early in Vatnsdalsá, resulting in a tired river as the summer went on. 2019 was a poor year, however, as a result of droughts and low water levels as well as disappointing salmon runs. What made us happy, though, was that the salmon runs seemed to happen at the right time, with salmon running up Vatnsdalsá through mid-August. The runs were small but the timing was right, which was cause for joy.
We, the undersigned, are very excited for the coming summer, in spite of the unusual global situation. We expect a good salmon run and ample catch of trout and sea trout. During the past 25 years we have never had more than two poor years for salmon fishing in Vatnsdalsá, so history tells us there are exciting times ahead. The accompanying photos should serve as a reminder of the wonders of Vatnsdalsá. The nature can be unreal, and the same goes for the river.
Keep smiling!
Long live the Salmon.
Save the Salmon
Pétur Pétursson and Björn Kr.Rúnarsson